Thank you for participating in (name of synagogue)’s High Holy Days Appeal for Israel Bonds. This investment will strengthen your connection to Israel and:
- Help manage the impact of global inflation on Israel’s economy
- Set an example for supporting Israel for your family, friends, and community
A rate-sheet with current investment rates is enclosed. Rates on most Israel bonds change twice monthly so visit israelbonds.com for updates.
5783 will surely bring simhas, special occasions, and donation/tribute opportunities. Please consider
- eMazel and Mazel Tov Bonds in place of cash or check gifts
- Shalom Bonds in place of cash/check/credit cards for donations
To learn more about these Israel Bonds investment, donation, gift opportunities go to israelbonds.com; investments@isralbonds.com; 888.764.2631
As our parents did before us and our grandparents before them, this is our time to fulfill Israel Bonds traditional role as Israel’s safety net. Israel Bonds family of supporters have never let Israel down – with your investment “never” will include now.
Wishing you a sweet, happy and above all healthy year,
Martin J. Pasternak, Rabbi
National Director
Synagogue and Rabbinic Activities
Development Corporation for Israel. Issues subject to availability. This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA