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Israel Bonds: A Symbol of Solidarity During the High Holy Days and Beyond
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Israel Bonds: A Symbol of Solidarity During the High Holy Days and Beyond
The Israel Factor
Israel Bonds: A Symbol of Solidarity During the High Holy Days and Beyond
By Victoria D. Andretta
Israel Bonds High Holy Days appeals have been instrumental in facilitating growth and development of the nation, in addition to contributing to the unification of a sovereign people.
At a time of celebration, prayer, renewal and introspection, an Israel bonds investment reinforces one’s connection to the Jewish homeland and its people while enabling a robust nation to sustain economic growth and development for years to come.
With a legacy spanning almost seven decades, Israel bonds continue to resonate throughout Jewish communities as a redolent expression of enduring support for the thriving establishment synonymous with the Judaic faith. Since the first bonds were issued in 1951, the Israel Bonds organization (Development Corporation for Israel) has made a firm commitment to bolster all sectors of Israel’s economy, and without the fervent support of an active Diaspora through bond investment during national congregations’ High Holy Days appeals, Israel would not be recognized as the global technological powerhouse it is today.
Each year more than 400 synagogues across the United States connect bondholders with an Israel bonds appeal. In addition to bonds’ reputation as being a reliable, dependable resource (Israel has never missed interest or principal payment on Israel bonds), a bond investment is emblematic of bondholders’ connection to their heritage, tradition and cultural ties with Israel. It is a unifying, personal declaration of support for Israel’s path, purpose and achievements, and as Israel Bonds National Director of Synagogue and Rabbinic Division Martin Pasternak opines, “With every Israel bonds investment, we bring Israel closer to attaining Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion’s goals of economic stabilization and engagement of a Diaspora Jewry as he proposed the notion of bonds to American philanthropists, Jewish community lay-leaders, executives and Israeli government officials nearly 70 years ago.” Indeed, the congregational High Holy Days appeal for bonds enriches the Jewish values of generations within the assemblies while providing Israel with funding to sustain revolutionary advancements in all aspects of modern society.
In addition to Rabbi Pasternak’s perspective on the importance of bonds appeals, Israel Bonds former Rabbinic Advisory Council Chairperson, Rabbi Ari Goldstein emphasizes that “Israel bonds are a gesture of a time-honored tradition which connects all Jews to a common faith and is a demonstration of our cultural values and spiritual beliefs. An investment in Israel bonds during Yamim Noraim offers the abiding individual an opportunity to invest in the Jewish homeland we devotedly support.”
An investment in Israel bonds also functions as a sentimental gift during holidays, meaningful occasions and celebrations or can be utilized as a donation for philanthropic purposes, to schools and institutions as well as for supporting foundations and causes. Since inception, worldwide sales of Israel bonds have surpassed $41 billion and more than 300,000 individuals have proudly owned an Israel bond as a symbol of pride and coalescence.
Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson of Temple Menorah in Miami emphasizes the significance of holding appeals for Israel bonds as a means to cement ancestral relationships while contributing to the fortification of Jewish civilization: “An Israel bond is the embodiment of Jewish culture and is an irrevocable asset to bridging our generations. The purchase of a bond connects us with our traditions while allowing us to harmonize with our fellow congregants and Jews around the world. By purchasing an Israel bond we are united in a shared endeavor, embracing the past with International Jewry while securing the prosperity of our Jewish homeland.”
Similarly, Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg of Beth Tfiloh Congregation in Baltimore notes the impact realized through widespread investment in Israel bonds by affirming, “Regardless of political differences and viewpoints and where one places themselves on the spectrum of Jewish beliefs and practices, what matters is that you believe in our country, and you believe in the future of the State of Israel.”
Temple Menorah and Beth Tfiloh each has conducted High Holy Days appeals for Israel bonds for more than 60 years, and both rabbis continue to witness amassed participation at an increased pace within their respective congregations, especially over the last several years. Israel Bonds’ president and CEO, Israel Maimon, confirms record levels are being achieved – Worldwide sales in 2017 ended at an all-time high of more than $1.3 billion – and attributes such success to a wide range of investors including individuals, corporate and financial institutions, states and municipalities, foundations and universities, as well as Jewish organizations and shuls. He proclaims, “The vitality of Israel’s economy is predicated on the fundamental support of Jews and all advocates of the Jewish establishment. Investments in Israel bonds empower our nation to flourish, and the support generated through High Holy Days appeals provides an indispensable source of revenue which benefits the Jewish people, our future generations and the world at large.”
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