Israel Bonds’ Women’s Division of Metropolitan New Jersey hosted over 170 advocates of Israel on November 8, 2018 at the Crystal Plaza in Livingston, NJ to honor former Women’s Division director Debra Schwartz and Dr. Sarah Klibanoff, Rebbetzin of Congregation Etz Chaim, each with the Diamond Gala Award for their dedication and perseverance in support of the Jewish nation. The Diamond Gala dinner chairs Sharon Halpern and
incoming Metro New Jersey Women's Division Chair Debbie Janoff presented Debra Schwartz with the award which recognized her resolute commitment to the Bonds organization and the Women’s Division for nearly 20 years of service, and Sarah for her dedication to the local Jewish community as well as the Bonds organization.
Top photo: Former Women’s Division director Debbie Schwartz receives award from
Diamond Gala dinner chairs Debbie Janoff (left) and Sharon Halpern; Bottom photo:
Dr. Sarah Klibanoff receives award from Halpern and Janoff
Honorary guest speaker for the evening, Brigadier General (Res.) Gila Klifi-Amir, was welcomed to the stage by Janoff, and spoke of her experiences as a 30-year veteran of the Israel Defense Forces. She served as the chief of the general staff’s advisor on women’s affairs and handled all matters relating to females serving in the Israeli military. Klifi-Amir highlighted the expansion on availability of women’s positions in the IDF, elucidating that over 95 percent of all Israeli military jobs are now open to women, spanning a diverse array of roles. Klifi-Amir thanked the assembly for supporting the IDF and Israel through their involvement in the Bonds organization.
Guest speaker Brigadier General (Res.) Gila Klifi Amir with Debbie Janoff and Sharon Halpern
Shira Lewis, board member and former chair of Women’s Division, thanked Klifi-Amir and welcomed Women’s Division Diamond Gala Committee member Emily Fried who spoke
on why she supports Israel by way of Israel bonds and uses
Israel bonds as Hanukkah gilts.
Outgoing Metro NJ Women’s Division Chair Barbara Hutter and committee members Cathy Distelburger, Pamela Fishman, Lois Kaish, Rachel Scherl, as well as Israel Bonds’ Vice President for Sales Stuart Garawitz, General Chairman of Bonds’ Metro NJ Howard Cohen and Campaign Chairman Zev Scherl were also in attendance.
Emily Fried, 2018 Hanukkah Chair and former Metro NJ Women’s Division chair and
current Women’s Division Board member addresses the assembly at
Crystal Plaza, Livingston, NJ
Recipients of the Diamond Gala Award Debra Schwartz and Dr. Sarah Klibanoff accepted their commemorative distinctions surrounded by family and friends who composed videos for each of them, underscoring their hard work and love for those around them and for Israel.
Rabbi E. Samuel Klibanoff presents Diamond Gala award to wife Dr. Sarah Klibanoff
(Photo credit: Robert Schneider/Israel Bonds)