Israel Bonds Women’s Division of Los Angeles held its annual Golda Meir Luncheon at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills in which seven exceptional women were honored for their dedication to the State of Israel and for their ongoing commitment to the Bonds organization. Keynote presenter Talie Danon, wife of Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Danny Danon, along with her husband spoke on the significance of Bonds investment. The founding members of Israel Bonds Women’s Division of Los Angeles (“The Sabras”), were also applauded for their perseverance in growing the association.

Women’s Division of Los Angeles Chairperson Gina Raphael (right), with honorees displaying
the Women of Valor award (from left): Jennifer Meyers, Hannah Niman, Dr. Ghazal Rokhsar,
Dr. Sharona R. Nazarian, Georgette Joffe, Vera Liebenthal, and Abigail Kedem Goldberg (not pictured)
Over 180 women from across the country gathered to congratulate Georgette Joffe, Abigail Kedem Goldberg, Vera Liebenthal, Jennifer Meyers, Dr. Sharona Nazarian, Hannah Niman and Dr. Ghazal Rokhsar, all from Los Angeles, on receiving the Israel Bonds
Women of Valor award for their strong leadership and advocacy for the Jewish homeland, particularly during this milestone year marking Israel’s 70th anniversary. The
Women of Valor award is presented to those who have made distinctive contributions within their respective Jewish communities and have exhibited remarkable success in fostering the Israel Bonds Women’s Division movement. The event’s co-chairs, Jean Friedman, Dalia Farkas, Rochelle Boren, Nancy Sloan and Beverly Cohen, all residents of the LA area, were delighted to bestow this crowning achievement upon the honorees.

Keynote speaker Talie Danon (second row, third from left) highlighted the importance of
investment in Israel bonds and commended the awardees along with event co-chairs and
Bonds leadership. Top row, from left: Hannah Niman, Dr. Sharona R. Nazarian, Nancy Sloan,
Rochelle Boren, Gina Raphael and Jennifer Meyers, second row: Dr. Ghazal Rokhsar,
Dalia Farkas, Talie Danon and Laura Orzy
Talie Danon, wife of UN Ambassador Danny Danon, was joined by her husband, in which he spoke on the importance of the continuation of the Jewish nation, and how Israel bonds are a crucial element in supporting the Israeli economy. Ambassador Danon expressed his gratitude to all for fortifying the Jewish state through investment in Israel bonds. Mrs. Danon then provided remarks, sharing her perspective as a woman, wife and mother from within the UN, describing how she encourages unity amongst wives of other delegates by organizing events and hosting engagements where women can meet, get to know one another and discuss current events and other pertinent matters. Mrs. Danon, having held numerous roles spearheading health initiatives throughout Israel, conveyed the challenges faced by the State of Israel on a regular basis and how she and her husband gain strength in knowing that they have the support of the Israel Bonds community.
Laura Orzy, chairperson of the Israel Bonds Women’s Division, praised the Danons for their resolute involvement in Israel Bonds, stating, “Talie has served not only as an impassioned supporter of Israel Bonds – and in particular our Women’s Division – but also as a role model to all female proponents of the Jewish nation.” Gina Raphael, lay leader of Israel Bonds Women’s Division of Los Angeles, added, “I am confident that our Women’s Division will continue the work of the founders of the Golda Meir group of Los Angeles by unifying for the betterment of the land of our heritage and the Israeli people for the next 70 years and beyond.”

UN Ambassador Danny Danon (top row, third from left) and wife Talie joined more than
180 guests to celebrate the occasion at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. Top row,
from left: Nancy Sloan, Rochelle Boren, Ambassador Danny Danon, Talie Danon,
Dr. Sharona R. Nazarian, Dr. Daniel Nazarian and Dalia Farkas, second row:
Dr. Ghazal Rokhsar, Vera Liebenthal, Jacqueline Burdorf, Myrtle Sitowitz and
Marlene Kreitenberg
(Photos: Robert Lurie)