Israel Bonds News

Past Women’s Division Chair Iris Segel Honored at 5th Annual Chai Tea

Israel Bonds Philadelphia Women’s Division recently honored past Women’s Division Chair Iris Segel during its 5th annual Chai Tea. Iris has been a devoted supporter of every aspect of the State of Israel, serving as president of the Main Line Chapter of American ORT, on the Yassky Board of Hadassah and co-chairing its fundraising committee.  The event was held at the home of Glenn & Daryl Segal in Margate, NJ.  Guests were entertained by Broadway performer Jeremy Greenbaum and accompanist Joshua Zecher-Ross who performed a variety of Broadway show tunes and popular Jewish songs.  

Presenting the Chai Tea award to Honoree Iris Segel
(center) are Chai Tea Tribute Co-Chairs
(left to right) Judy Auerbach and  Bettsie Greenbaum. 
Photo taken by Julie Miller.