Guide To Your Best
High Holy Days Appeal

Many synagogues share the same High Holy Days traditions
that include sounding the shofar, white Torah covers,
and an Israel Bonds appeal.

Every Israel bond investment, gift and donation strengthens our ties to Israel and to each other.
They are a connection to our heritage that grows every year.

The links below include all the necessary
tools to conduct a successful High Holy Days appeal.

Additional resources available

(Click to download the assets)

For information contact your local office or Rabbi Martin Pasternak at 212.446.5883

We wish you a happy, safe, and healthy 5784.

Rabbi Rosette Haim Baron
Rabbinic Advisory Council

Rabbi Martin Pasternak
National Director
Synagogue Division

Development Corporation for Israel. Issues subject to availability. This is a representative sampling of the securities offered. This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA.